When should I book?
It's never too early to get on the calendar for your Senior's Graduation Portraits! The ideal time to book is May/June of your Junior Year. But you can also book your session anytime during your Senior Year, pending availability.
How will we plan my Senior Session?
When you book your Senior Session, you will fill out a Questionnaire for me to get to know you! From there, I will best be able to guide you through every detail in planning your Senior Portrait Session.
Who should I bring with for my Senior Portrait Session?
You are welcome to bring a parent, sibling, or friend along for your session! Someone who you are super comfortable with, who will be willing to carry your outfits and hype you up from the sidelines!
What if I wake up with a zit before my session?
Have no fear! Blemishes are totally normal and thankfully, only temporary! (So temporary, that you won't even remember having one when you see your gallery!)